First Presbyterian supports the Walk Against Hunger
Let me brag, even if belatedly, (the walk was May 4) about our Church's support for the Walk Against Hunger. As we have done for years we led the way among the Churches designating their support for Hands ON Hartford. We raised over $7500 for the walk. I personally raised over $1200 of this total and I was not the top fund raiser for First Presbyterian. That honor goes to Holly Billings who passed me on her walk total, and also solicited from Robin Roberts a $25,000 challenge gift to match the first $25,000 raised by Hands ON Hartford. (Robin is one of the Hosts on CBS's Good Morning America program and a member of First Presbyterian Church.)
One of the things that gave me particular pride was that not only did the current confirmation class all raise money and participate in the walk (we did tell them it was a class requirement) but also that most of the previous class also participated again this year.
Last Sunday, which was Pentecost, was a marvelous service. We used red ribbon to block off many of the pews, forcing worshippers to sit closer to one another in the front middle section of the sanctuary, the children formed a rhythm band with a variety of world instruments to duplicate the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and seven players presented a dramatic reading as part of the message for the morning.